Get a Life in 40 Days
‘Get-a-Life in 40 Days’ through 7 Strategic Questions is a Lifestyle Success Journal and goes hand-in-hand with a one-hour-a-day-for-7-weeks Workshop, that will help you ‘Get-a-Life’ while making a living.
How happy are you with your life? Think about it for a moment…. 100%? If not, why not?
Despite your circumstances, you can be 100% happy. It is achievable, because happiness comes from within. It is about inner transformation, which has to happen before it can be externally manifested.
We’re not talking about the ‘lying-on-the-beach-sipping-a-cocktail-with-a-small-umbrella-in-it’ kind of happiness. It is more like the deeply felt happiness that results from living life’s true purposes, like being a contributor and not just a consumer; a transformer and not only a tourist or a traveler. It is the kind of happiness that emanates from being a survivor and a victor, and not merely a victim of circumstance.
Why Get-a-Life?
You must ‘Get-a-Life’, because so few have it: How many people do you know that can truly say: “I’m fully alive” – not just breathing or merely existing but really fully alive? Oscar Wilde said: “To live is the rarest thing in the world. Most people exist, that is all”.
Why 7 Strategic Questions?
Bono, lead singer from the band ‘U2’ said, “We thought that we had the answers, it was the questions we had wrong”. Most self-help books want to give you the answers. The ‘Get-a-Life in 40 Days’ Lifestyle Success Journal takes an unique angel. It provides you with 7 Strategic Questions instead of the answers. Even the right answer to a wrong question won’t help us to achieve anything. The battle is halfway won if we at least have the right questions. Therefore the ‘within’ question is the answer, or at least the most important starting point. That is why the title is: ‘Get-a-Life in 40 Days’ through 7 Strategic Questions.
Why 40 Days?
Every journey begins (and ends) with a single step: Whether you want a healthier, better-looking body, to improve your financial status, enhance your relationships or achieve any of your other dreams and goals, there is always a ‘gap’ between where you are now and where you want to be. You need to take a step and continue walking to bridge the gap. Simply asking the 7 Strategically placed questions will guide you on this 40 day journey.